Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Farewell Of Arms By Frederic Henry - 953 Words

A Farewell to Arms A Farewell To Arms, an interesting combination of love and war taking place during the hostile years of World War One. Frederic Henry, the story s main character is a member of the Italian army and love interest of Catherine Barkley. Frederic Henry runs the show, and the past, in A Farewell to Arms. In a interesting twist, Henry is also the narrator and he does it from the future, his future that is. Throughout the book, Henry brings up the important things from his past. In Henry’s case, he is remembering his love story with Catherine, and that horrific events of being apart of the first World War. Essentially there are two Frederic Henry’s. Henry the main character during the main story, and Henry the narrator. The narrator Henry leaves out important things such as his age, but it seems he does a good job playing the narrator in the best way he can. Frederic Henry in the story shows the way he grows and changes, lives and learns, in order to catch up to the Nurse Ca therine Barkley with respect to experience and the wisdom that it brings. In the earlier stages of the novel, Henry is not a fully developed character. It almost seems like he has poor characteristics such as; lying, being unpassionate, being an alcoholic, etc. The book progress and we find out more on Henry. He (Henry) believes that the war doesn t concern him and he wishes that it would end. This of course being in reference to the author of the novel F. Scott Fitzgerald. and is realShow MoreRelatedA Farewell Of Arms, By Frederic Henry1269 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel, A Farewell to Arms, it mentions several different things about the lives of Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley. First, it starts off mentioning Frederic Henry. Frederic Henry is an young American who just so happened to be in Italy during World War I. 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