Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Kingdom of God and its Association with the Church

Question: Discuss about The Kingdom of God and its association with the Church. Answer: Introduction The "Liberal" or Spiritual Kingdom. During the elevation of liberal Christianity, the kingdom of God was considered as the control of God Into the hearts, and minds of people. One of the famous quotes that support this statement was from Luke 17:20-21 which says, "the kingdom of God is within you." The deep understanding of these words forms the basis of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the Church that was founded by the Christ with the help of his followers. Mark also mentioned in one of his writings that when John had been sent to jail, Christ approached Galilee, delivering a sermon and spreading the gospel.The words said by Him were, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. In the New Testament, there is a lot of explanation has been given about the kingdom of God. It is clearly mentioned in the Old Testament that God is the judge of all" and the sentiment, and the message that all the humankind will finally be judged. This forms the important element of the teachings of Christians.[1] According to aNew Testament, it has been specified by Nicene Creed that the power and authority of judgment are in the hands of Jesus. The Kingdom Of God The Kingdom of God was the spiritual reign of God in the vigor of the receiver that ultimately resulted in an internal moral ethic. This ethic centered on the teachings of Jesus concerning the universal Fatherhood of God, the infinite and priceless value of the earthling soul, and the like commandment. The expression Kingdom of God has been used to express the lifestyle of Christians, a process of evangelization of the world and the rediscovery of charismatic presents and much other stuff. A variety of theological interpretation of the word Kingdom of God has thus appeared in its eschatological background, for example, apocalyptic or devastating and inaugurated eschatologys, yet no consent has emerged among scholars.[2] Over the centuries, a vast variety of theological interpretations of the word Kingdom of God has appeared. For example, in Catholic Teachings, the formal declaration Dominus Iesus (Item 5) [3]Mentions that the kingdom of God can never be separated either from the Chur ch or the Christ. If the kingdom is detached from the Christ, it will no longer be the kingdom of God which he discovered. There is a belief found in the Eastern Christians who were orthodox in their thoughts that the kingdom of God is existing within the boundaries of the Church and is exchanged to its believers as it involves with them. There is a lot of differentiation in the beliefs and thoughts of people about the kingdom of God. The people who believe the philosophy and teachings of Jesus, thinks that the kingdom is here, present on earth in the form of the Church or in the hearts of people, while some other thinks that the kingdom of God cannot be the inheritance of blood and flesh.[4] The Kingdom of God and its alliance with the Church God is a supreme ruler and as a monarch and the emperor, He has the authority to rule a kingdom forever. To completely understand the biblical concept or idea of the kingdom, one must identify that it contains several ideas and thoughts: the right to govern, the kingdom in which the authority of ruling is exercised, and the actuality of that authority being exercised. The Kingdom of God is related to the Church in its teachings, but the two terms are not synonymous or identical. The kingdom of God is a much wider phenomenon As it has been discussed earlier, there has been a lot of differentiation in the thoughts of people concerning the relationship between the two. The concept is widely misunderstood and misinterpreted.[5] Christians often believe thatboth these things are one, and the same things but this is not so. In reality, the Kingdom of God is of extreme importance, and very different from the concept of the Church. Jesus demonstrated about the Kingdoms Gospel The main intent of the Jesus Christ was only to establish and spread the awareness of the Kingdom of God and its importance in the lives of people. It is also mentioned in the gospels that the Jesus was continually spreading about the awareness of the concept of kingdom of God. A number of followers were also sent out to announce or to indicate clearly about the Gospels to the people. In comparison, the gospels only enumerated the term Church twice.[6] And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.Matthew 4:23 One just needs to understand that there is a supreme power and that is God. He is the ruler rom the inception and the governance of Him is eternal.[7] The LORD is king forever and ever. (Psalm 10:16) Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter of your kingdom is a sceptre of uprightness. (Psalm 45:6) All are here to seek Gods kingdom, not the Church Instead of establishing and spreading the doctrine of the Kingdom of God, the main focus of Christians became the construction of more, and more of Churches. It became the place of getaway for individuals, from the humanity, and their world. It surely have assisted and nurtured Christians lives, but for the Earth and the world, it appeared as an unessential, weak and irrelevant institute.[8] But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33). Instead of being a ground for retreat and shelter, the church must be a reinforcement, encouragement and the ground of training for the kingdom of God.[9] Beginning of the Kingdom of Satan He has been authorized to different individuals, groups, and families in the society. When the realm of delegated authority is governed according to his wish and will, it begins to be a part of the kingdom and in contrary to this, it does not consider the part of the kingdom. God aims to expand his kingdom in each, and every aspect of the life of humans.[10]This phenomenon happens in two ways. The first one is that the people shall first take birth into the sphere of the kingdom. One of the sayings of Jesus constitutes that, Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:5). The rebirth of individuals through repentance, and trust in the Christ. It also makes them the citizen and the part of the Kingdom. Another way of this expansion is that the Christians shall bring the various facets of the lives into the authority of the God. They can do so in the spheres, and regions where they are having the key authority. Anything outside the governance and will of the God becomes the segment of the territory of gloom and darkness which is governed and ruled by Satan. Its monarchy is characterized by collision, struggle, and conflict. Satan is basically a destructor and a liar.As there is a lot of difference between the two, naturally there will be a conflict between the two kingdoms. The one and the only way to get away from this is to have faith and belief in Jesus Christ.[11] As it is discussed above, the kingdom of God oralso called as the kingdom of heaven, is a comprehensive concept. Therefore, the kingdoms gospel is also wider than the gospel of the Church, which says about the personal salvation. One must have a vision and understanding of concepts of both the terms, then only he/she can understand the meanings of the proclamation made by Jesus. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10). Jones said in one of his statements: The Christian Church, while it holds within itself the best life of the Kingdom, is not the kingdom of God.[12] The Church is only one region or part of the authority within the Gods kingdom. It is made just to establish the kingdom of God. Conclusion According to Jesuss description, three things are required to befall to Gods kingdom, and those are knowledge, commitment, and absolute and true devotion to the world of God over and above anything else. Like the germ or the seed that falls on the rough ground cannot reproduce, a man who does not comprehend the World and the commandments will sink into the attraction of destructive and lose vision of Gods kingdom.[13] Once a follower asked Jesus, Who is the greatest, and the noble person in the Gods kingdom? He put a kid in front of them and replied, unless you are born again and become a kid, one will not enter the heavens or Gods kingdom as this is the most pious state of a human being from where he starts to understand the world and his doings and actions make him be a part of the Kingdom of God.[14] References Adams, George. 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